What is a flight nanny?
A flight nanny is a trained pet care provider and professional animal lover who travels in the cabin of commercial airlines with your pet comfortably stowed in an airline approved travel carrier. You flight nanny will pick up and deliver airport to airport and tent to all of your fur babies needs while in flight.
Is a Health Certificate required for a pet to fly?
TFP Flight Nanny does not require a Health Certificate for transport. It is to be determined between the breeder and the buyer. Your TLC Flight Nanny will be happy to deliver any paperwork along with the pet on their delivery.
How will all parties communicate during the delivery?
Once your delivery has been booked, we will have your assigned flight nanny create a group text containing all parties involved in the pet transport. You will receive a group text including reconfirmation of your flight itinerary and meet up locations 2-3 days prior to your scheduled delivery date. All parties will receive text updates throughout your delivery in this chat.
What type of payment method do you accept?
A custom link will be sent a couple days before the delivery is scheduled. We accept Credit or Debit cards, Apple Pay, Shop Pay and Google Pay.
Where will I meet my pet nanny?
Typically, the breeder/shipper will meet the flight nanny curbside at departure of the airline the pet transported will be flying with. The receiver will meet the pet nanny at baggage claim. This information will also be provided in the group text you will receive 2-3 days prior to your delivery.
Is the deposit refundable?
Yes, if your TLC Flight Nanny is unable to complete the delivery.
What items are allowed to travel with my pet?
Your pet courier will have limited space so any items that are sent with the pet must be able to fit in a small book bag and be TSA approved. We suggest a small ziplock bag of dry food, a small toy and a small blanket. Your flight nanny will provide a travel carrier unless informed otherwise.
Can I give my TFP Flight Nanny a tip?
Of course! We hope your TFP Flight Nanny has exceeded your expectations in excellent service keeping your new family member safe on the special journey home.
Do you provide pet travel insurrance?
We offer our own in-house insurance for a cost of $50 that covers up to $5,000 in costs in the unfortunate case of injury or death of your pet as a direct result of negligence on behalf of one of our contractors.
Can I have more than one pet delivered to the same destination?
Yes, for an additional fee. We can accommodate up to two small litter mates if the combined weight is less than 20 pounds in one carrier.
Can you pick up from or deliver to my house?
Unfortunately, we don’t provide that service at this time. We pick up and deliver airport to airport only.
Is there an additional fee for flying a pet in the cabin?
TFP Flight Nannies make most deliveries without pet cabin fees. However, we do have occasions that may require payment for pet fees. Payment will be an additional fee paid before the completion of the delivery.
Do I need to pay for a pet carrier?
Our TFPFlight Nannies have clean, sanitized pet carriers for safe transport. This helps keep the total cost of transport to a minimum. If it is your desire, at an additional fee, to buy and keep a new pet carrier for your new fur baby, we can accommodate that request.